Non-Traditional Warehouse Space

When you think of a warehouse, what tends to come to mind? While technology companies can get around with a few workstations and perhaps a small office, companies that deal in physical goods have a different challenge altogether. The logistical coordination and storage of physical goods mean that small and medium-sized e-commerce businesses are often forced to operate at a disadvantage to those companies that do not struggle with these same kinds of issues. This is where Shedpoint comes in!

Traditional Warehousing

The term “warehouse” does not necessarily bring pleasant images to mind. The typical stereotype includes some massive, dimly lit, industrial-sized rectangle, with shelves stacked high into the ceiling. Moreover, traditional warehousing requires expensive multi-year leases and often forces you into buying thousands of square feet that you may never end up utilizing. Such warehouses may also be left in disarray due to the constant presence of contractors, such as landscapers, that do messy work outdoors.

Shedpoint’s Co-Warehousing

Shedpoint is here to challenge the stereotype of what a warehouse can and should be. Our spaces are carefully designed and curated to reflect an Albertan innovator or entrepreneur of the past and do not stir up any notion of industrial-sized rectangles. In addition, we also offer co-office space for you to hold team gatherings and meetings. Our co-warehousing solutions can be specially tailored for your needs so you can ensure that you are getting what you require with no wasted efficiency. We know the needs and demands of small businesses and are happy to remain flexible as the needs of your company change. Finally, a Shedpoint membership includes access to amenities like a full gym and free parking.

Shedpoint believes that small and medium-sized businesses should have access to the same kinds of resources that the bigger players enjoy. We hope to inspire the next generation of young entrepreneurs to successfully launch their companies. As your business grows, we stay with you and are here to help you every step of the way. Book a tour at one of our facilities today!

Non-Traditional Warehouse Space